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– All DEI Videos Now Available

Sharing perspectives, understanding differences

We’re all different in many ways. We all have unique perspectives. Understanding and sharing those differences and perspectives helps create an inclusive environment where we feel valued and can contribute fully to AAUW’s mission.

But it’s not easy to have what AAUW National describes as “difficult conversations.”

That’s where a series of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) discussions comes in. The AAUW FL DEI Committee has scheduled DEI Dialogues via Zoom for the second Saturday of the month, from November 2022 through March 2023.  (Dialog not scheduled on December 10, 2022.)

The dialogues aim to help you become more comfortable sharing your perspectives or having those difficult conversations – and to inspire you to consider diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of your life.

Dialogue schedule 2022 – 2023

Our DEI Dialogues are open to all members and guests. To participate in an upcoming session, contact Jonnie Mae Perry, AAUW FL DEI Committee chair.

All dialogues are being recorded and the videos posted in the Branch Resources section of the website. So, if you missed a session, you won’t miss out.

  • DEI Dialogue #1 – November 12, 2022 – Gender Identity and Orientation – Special Guest: Gina Leigh Duncan, Development Leader Central Florida, Equality Florida.  Gina Duncan is a national and international advocate, corporate trainer and speaker specializing in transgender dynamics in the workplace, classroom and society. She has conducted over 400 Transgender Cultural Competency workshops for all segments of society. She has worked with major corporations, elected officials, law enforcement, the media, school boards, colleges, governmental agencies, HR Organizations, (Certified by SHRM), universities and non-profit organizations to improve awareness, knowledge and understanding of the transgender and gender non-binary community.   Link to video – DEI 2022-2023: Gina Duncan.mp4 on Vimeo
  • DEI Dialog #2 – January 14, 2023 – Intersectionality of Dance as a Universal Language with Alexandria Davis.  Teaching artist, choreographer and screen dance maker Alexandria Davis shares becoming and teaching being one’s authentic self in dance.  She is a native of Gainesville, Florida.  Link to video – DEI 2022-2023: Alexandria Davis.mp4 on Vimeo
  • DEI Dialog #3 – February 11, 2023 – Intersectionality 2
  • DEI Dialog #4 – March 11– Appearance and Age
  • DEI Dialog #5 – April 8, 2023 – Hispanic and Latino and Haitian Culture
  • DEI Dialog #6 – May 13, 2023 – Reflections and Observations

2021 – 2022 Dialogs

  • DEI Dialogue #1: October 9, 2021 – Implicit bias – the attitudes and stereotypes that we have but are not aware of. These biases may influence our thinking in ways we’re not even aware of and can’t totally control. The dialogue focuses on identifying our implicit biases and ways of addressing them.
  • DEI Dialogue#2:  November 13, 2021 – Micro-aggression – a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group. The session focuses on how to identify and avoid micro-aggressions in our actions and language.
  • DEI Dialogues #3:  December 11, 2021 – DEI chair Jonnie Mae Perry explains how both diversity and inclusion are needed in our state and branch organizations. Then seven other AAUW members share their observations, personal experiences, and questions regarding inclusion.
  • DEI Dialogues #4:  January 8, 2022 – Diversity in faith – Join Dr. Lucinda Mosher for a discussion on the diversity of religions in Florida and how we may engage with one’s own faith and the beliefs of others.  Dr. Lucinda Mosher is a faculty associate in Interreligious Studies and senior scholar for Executive and Professional Education at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace. She teaches courses in interreligious studies, comparative theology, leadership, and Christian-Muslim concerns.
  • DEI Dialogues #5: February 12, 2022 – Florida’s History of Racism – Andrew Sorbo, a retired History Teacher and Principal. talks about the history of racism in Florida.  Andrew is an Art Collector and has Artifacts dating back to 1500 BC. He is a facilitator of Social and Racial Justice workshops, including the 1619 Project and African Civilizations.
  • DEI Dialogues #6: March 12, 2022 – The Influence of Culture on Perception of Self in Girls and Young Women with Jacqueline E. Jacobs.  Dr. Jacque Jacobs, retired full professor from Western Carolina University where she was Department Head in Educational Leadership and Foundations, shares her research on such topics as the impact of self-perception of girls and young women and the implications for their development into leaders.

– Updated Strategic Plan

Plan provides foundation for 2022-2023 programs

Click image to see entire plan with details

Our strategic plan for 2022-2023 aligns with the four areas of focus in the AAUW National plan:


governance and sustainability

education and training

economic security

Each major goal in our plan also has a series of specific actions and responsibilities for accomplishing the goals, along with a timeline and measurement criteria.

Here are the highlights:


Institute a series of regional workshops to provide a venue for interaction between branches.

Governance and sustainability:

  • Adapt state and branch operations to the roll-out of the AAUW Community Hub.
  • Branches will support the AAUW Greatest Needs Fund.
  • Assure state and branches adopt accepted record-keeping and archival practices.
  • Foster enhancement of governance principles for branches.
  • Actively explore adoption of an on-line branch.
  • Uphold fiduciary responsibilities.

Education and training:

  • Establish an education committee and appoint an education chair.
  • Provide resources to branches on the development of mission-based programs.
  • Help support AAUW Florida supporting foundation’s Tech Trek project to ensure its continued success.
  • Provide diversity, equity and inclusion programs to promote increased understanding of DEI concepts.

Public policy and economic security:

  • Conduct 2022 GOTV campaign.
  • Promote AAUW’s Two-Minute Activist.
  • Establish AAUW Florida’s legislative agenda.
  • Conduct Lobby Days.
  • Promote Work Smart/Start Smart.
  • Promote Equal Pay Days.




– Congrats! Florida AAUW Fellowship and Grant Recipients

American Fellowships

Name: Dominique Ferguson
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: American Fellowship
Institution: Florida A & M University
Location: Tallahassee, Florida
Discipline: Chemistry
Degree and Specialization: Ph.D., Pharmacology

Name: Allison Quatrini
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: American Fellowship
Institution: Eckerd College
Location: St. Petersburg, Florida
Discipline: Political science
Degree and Specialization: Publication, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics

Name: Samana Shrestha
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: American Fellowship
Institution: University of North Florida
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Discipline: Physics
Degree and Specialization: Publication, Bio Physics


Career Development Grants

Name: Denise Evans
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: Career Development Grant
Institution: University of North Florida
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Discipline: Education
Degree and Specialization: M.Ed., School Counseling


Community Action Grants

Recipient: Treasure Coast Girls Coalition, Inc.
Project Director: Shala Edwards
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: Community Action Grant
Location: Vero Beach, Florida
Term: One-Year

Recipient: Pace Center for Girls 
Project Director: Chantell Miles
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: Community Action Grant
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Term: One-Year


International Fellowships

Name: Comfort Adedeji
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: International Fellowship
Institution: Florida A & M University
Citizenship: Nigeria
Location: Tallahassee, Florida
Discipline: Engineering – environmental
Degree and Specialization: Ph.D., Environmental and water resources

Name: Sheyla Chero-Osorio
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: International Fellowship
Institution: University of South Florida
Citizenship: Peru
Location: Tampa, Florida
Discipline: Engineering – environmental
Degree and Specialization: Ph.D. 

Name: Shauntel Clarke
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: International Fellowship
Institution: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Citizenship: Jamaica
Location: Daytona Beach, Florida
Discipline: Engineering – aeronautical and astronomical
Degree and Specialization: M.S., Aviation Operations, Aviation Management (Dual Specialization)

Name: Jamesa Fabien
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: International Fellowship
Institution: Ross University School of Medicine
Citizenship: Dominica
Location: Miramar, Florida
Discipline: Health and medical sciences
Degree and Specialization: M.D., Surgery

Name: Mirian Molina 
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: International Fellowship
Institution: University of Florida
Citizenship: Honduras
Location: Gainesville, Florida
Discipline: Social sciences
Degree and Specialization: M.A., Tropical Conservation and Development combined with a Minor in Entrepreneurship

Name: Tania Romero Bautista
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: International Fellowship
Institution: Florida International University
Citizenship: Peru
Location: Miami, Florida
Discipline: Natural resources management
Degree and Specialization: Ph.D., Natural Resources Management and Policy

Name: Daniela Varon Garcia
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: International Fellowship
Institution: University of South Florida
Citizenship: Colombia
Location: Tampa, Florida
Discipline: Biology
Degree and Specialization: M.S., Plant ecology


Selected Professions Fellowships

Name: Cachae Alford
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: Selected Professions Fellowship
Institution: Florida Atlantic University
Location: Boca Raton, Florida
Discipline: Health and medical sciences
Degree and Specialization: M.D., Women’s Health

Name: Natalia Correa
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: Selected Professions Fellowship
Institution: Florida State University
Location: Tallahassee, Florida
Discipline: Health and medical sciences
Degree and Specialization: M.D., General Surgery

Name: Elisabeth Hayes
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: Selected Professions Fellowship
Institution: Florida Atlantic University
Location: Boca Raton, Florida
Discipline: Health and medical sciences
Degree and Specialization: M.D., Women’s Health

Name: Angelina Khourisader
Award Year: 2022-23
Award: Selected Professions Fellowship
Institution: Rollins College
Location: Winter Park, Florida
Discipline: Business administration and management
Degree and Specialization: M.B.A., Entrepreneurship and Information Technology