
AAUW Florida Leaders – 2024 – 2025

Elected Officers

President – Kay Lee-Smith

Director for Program – Diana Sells

Director for Membership – Marjorie Fontalvo

Director for Finance – Ellen Roche

Director for Development – Open

Director for Communications – Demetrix Rostick-Owens

Co-Directors for Public Policy – Patricia DeWitt and Mary Gatta

Secretary – Saundra Johnson Austin

Appointed Officers

Bylaws, Policies, Parliamentarian – Virginia Farace

Historian – Open

Administrative Assistant – Open

Other appointees

Web Manager – Theresa Owen

floriVision Editor – Carol MacDonald

Tech Trek Coordinator – Sue Slone

Tech Trek 2025 Camp Directors – South, Open and Central, Open

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chair– Rose Llanos

Nominating Committee Chair – 

Women’s Economic Security Chair – Patricia DeWitt

Get in touch

Questions? Contact anyone on our leadership team.
Use the handy form, below, to send an email.

Fill out the boxes with your name and email, select the recipient, add your message.
And don’t forget to hit Submit. We’ll respond as soon as we can. 

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